Saturday, July 22, 2023

Shama Hyder, CEO of Zen Media


⚡THREAD TALKS- Inside the Minds of Amazing People! 💬

Today’s guest over on the new Threads app is the amazing 
Shama Hyder. Shama is the CEO of Zen Media and also a best-selling author, keynote speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice in Marketing 4X, and a Henry Crown Fellow. For your convenience, I'm sharing the interview here.

#1: Hi Shama. As you know, I’ve been a big fan of your work since day one. Can you share with our Threads community who you are and what makes you tick?

CEO of Zen Media - a leading b2b PR and marketing firm. Early pioneer in the social media marketing space. Mum of 2. Chocoholic.

#2: Can you share a key moment or experience that fundamentally shaped your outlook on business and life?

Being laughed out of rooms when I tried to share that social media would be the future - this was circa 2008. I guess it's not unfair to say I've always been a little ahead of my time.

#3: What does your daily mindset practice look like and how does it contribute to your overall success?

Gratitude in my highs and grace in my lows. That's what I live by!

#4: As an individual who has accomplished so much, how do you approach failure and what role does it play in your overall growth?

I am just here for that at-bats. More fails…but also more opportunity for succeeding. I just want to focus on the opportunities.

#5: When faced with high-stress situations, what strategies do you employ to maintain clarity and focus?

I re-focus on what really matters…my kids, love, breath in my lungs. I also remind myself that in 6 months, it won't matter.

#6: Can you illustrate a time when your personal values or principles heavily influenced a major decision in your career?

I don't write books for the sake of writing a book. I am very clear that I will write my next book when I have something to say that isn't already being said.

#7: When it comes to business and life, what are you focusing on moving forward over the next one to two years?

Seeing Zen Media grow bigger and stronger. The team is amazing. They make me so proud.

#8: What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

LinkedIn is where I hang out the most! and both work!
Background Image

Shama Hyder

  2nd degree connection
CEO of Zen Media, Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice in Marketing 4X, Henry Crown Fellow
 Top Voice
Talks about hashtag pr, hashtag b2b, hashtag tech, hashtag marketing, and hashtag b2bmarketing
Miami, Florida, United States  Contact info
Work with Shama


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