Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Profile - Krista Goon

one of the early adopters of the women with passion vision, Krista has always been a valued supporter, and really helped out with things like the banner for wwp and viennahub. THANKS. as local recognition, she was one of the 18 shortlisted nominees for The Great Women of Our Time Awards organised by a Malaysian magazine.

here is some of her recent stuff :-

Specially for Women by Women

WomenBizSENSE is mentioned in the August 2008 issue of Malaysian Women's Weekly magazine. As women, we run and manage businesses differently compared to men. We face different challenges too because we're women who are wives, moms, sisters and entrepreneurs. And that's why we need a group to call our own where we can share, connect and grow together as women entrepreneurs.WomenBizSENSE was set up in 2006 as a networking group specially for women.

Krista www.RedboxStudio.com